Wondering if a cleanse is right for you?

Do you frequently:

Eat unhealthy foods?

Feel tired and lethargic? 

Battle with weight gain?

Struggle with low energy? 

Experience brain fog? 

Feel bloated and gassy?

Feel overly stressed?

Have sluggish digestion? 

Feel pain and inflammation? 

If you answered yes to one of more of these questions, it's a sure sign that you can benefit from a cleanse!  

If you can commit to just 21 days, a cleanse can:

Jumpstart weight loss by doing a gut reset,

Help you get a better night's sleep, 

Boost your energy levels,

Reduce your toxic load, 

Reduce brain fog, 

And more!

My cleanse isn't like others on the market, because I know you're a WHOLE person.

That means we need to address your mind and soul in addition to the body. Because let's face it- if your MIND isn't in the game, your body won't follow. 
That's why I've included ways to help you improve your spiritual, emotional, and mental health so that this cleanses your body and detoxes your LIFE! 
They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. 

Cleanse your mind, body, & soul with my 21-Day Detox & Cleanse!

For just $99, here's what you'll get:

💚 Detailed 21-day plan with practical, applicable, useful information

💚 Tons of easy healthy recipes and food prep ideas

💚 Goal-setting strategies and journal prompts

💚 Helpful life hacks for busy people

💚 Tons of resources to help you succeed

💚 Group support via Telegram app

But wait...THERE'S MORE! If you sign up now, you can get a one on one zoom session with me to go over your specific goals and create a personalized plan just for you!



Q. Do I have to drink water, juice, and smoothies the whole time? 

  1. Not necessarily! It is advised to up your water intake, and juicing, fruit smoothies, and protein shakes do help your body detox while also providing necessary vitamins and nutrients. However, you can (AND SHOULD) eat actual food during your 21-day cleanse!

Q. Can I eat real food? 

  1. Yes! You can eat healthy foods while you are on your cleanse! Fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains are all recommended to keep you feeling full and still provide everything your body needs for optimal nutrition. I'll help you create a personalized plan to fit your individual needs and dietary restrictions.

Q. What if I go on vacation, or there’s a special celebration to attend? 

  1. Life happens, and just because you’re on a cleanse doesn't mean you should put your life on hold. Just plan ahead and eat as healthy as you can. You can skip out on the alcohol and sweets, and eat smaller portions of unhealthy foods if you must. Just plan on bringing some healthy snacks, drinking more water, and adding in some exercise to offset the extra calories. It all comes down to making healthier choices, which I guarantee you can still do while on vacation!

My Cleanse Journey

Let me tell you a little about me, and why I decided to start cleansing and hosting a cleanse support group for others!

This was me in 2020.

Even though I may have looked fine on the outside, on the inside I was not well. As a mother, wife, and therapist, I was taking care of everyone else around me but ME. I was mentally, emotionally, and physically drained. I was overweight and the heaviest I'd ever been since giving birth to my twins.  

At age 36, I got winded going up flights of stairs and had chronic back pain. I was in an unhealthy marriage, emotionally overeating, and regularly eating fast foods. I felt like my life was falling apart. I felt helpless. I had tried a variety of failed workouts, dieting hadn't worked, and I was secretly depressed and on the verge of a mental breakdown. 

Investing in myself was the best choice I ever made.

 Over the course of a year, I dropped 50 pounds (30 of which came off in the first 6 months!) I realized that what I needed was not just the removal of unhealthy foods, but unhealthy people, habits, and beliefs from my life.  Losing weight wasn't the goal- getting healthy was. Losing the physical weight was just a bonus side effect!  

After doing my detox, I felt healthier and happier. People kept asking me what I'd done to make the change. They wanted to know what secrets and tips I had. That's when I knew that if I could do it, I could help others do it too!

Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will.
If you're still a little scared about taking this leap, I want you to know that it's ok to be afraid.
Change can be scary. All the doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs you hold will tell you that you're not capable, or not worthy, or not strong enough to do it. They want you to stay stuck, because at least then, you'll be comfortable.
But, it's when we allow our fears to keep us stuck in unhealthy habits and patterns that we need to gain the COURAGE to do something different!
Whatever your reason for joining this cleanse, I am here to support you.
Over the next 21 days, you won't be alone. We are going to take this journey together!
Just remember that when we release something it creates space for what you are inviting in. 
You deserve it, you are worth it, and you ARE strong enough! You owe it to yourself to invest in yourself, your health, and your well-being.
Are you ready to detox your life and say YES to yourself and your health?
I invite you to join me!

I designed this cleanse to be ACHIEVABLE- not extreme!

What sets this cleanse apart from most others is that it's realistic and easy to follow!

You don't have to only drink water and juice every day and risk passing out. I don't have anything extreme in here.

You decide what your goals are and what your cleanse will look like, and create your own plan to suit your lifestyle and needs.

II'll give you all of my tips, tricks, and recommendations, and support to successfully complete your cleanse. However, I encourage you to take what you like and leave the rest!

I have found that when we create realistic goals vs. trying to conform to a super strict plan, the results are almost always more consistent and attainable!

Here's what the course looks like:

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 22 - Coming Off Your Cleanse
Available in days
days after you enroll

21-Days for Just $99

👉Are you ready to start your 21-day cleanse? Sign up before 1/5/2024 and get a FREE 30 minute coaching call over zoom with me to create your personalized plan!

🤔Do you have BIG GOALS and know that you need MORE than just 21 days? Sign up for my 3-month Lifestyle shift plan and get $10 off a month! (Regularly $99/mo.)


Are you tired of feeling exhausted, depressed, and unmotivated?

Are you ready to get better sleep, improve your digestion, lose weight, and have more energy?

Are you ready to feel better in body mind, and spirit?

Are you ready to invest in yourself and reprogram your limiting beliefs?

They say it takes 21 days to create a habit. If you can do something for 21 days, you can rewire your brain and create a new pattern of living. 

Why wait? Invest in yourself and your health today!